Physical Resiliency / Fitness & Nutrition

Physical Resilience is one of the four main pillars we focus on.

But physical resilience is more than just exercising. It’s a combination of physical fitness and nutrition which both work towards creating a healthier lifestyle. Fitness techniques, whether applied in a gym, at home, or out in the environment can help push our physical limitations to help us work towards increased strength, conditioning, and endurance. Nutrition is a key factor in physical resilience. We will be covering topics from very basic food platforming and up to understanding your macros. So, whether you’ve got experience or not, we will be sharing tools and resources to fit your everyday goals.

We all have to start somewhere and we all have different goals. We provide a judgement free atmosphere to help you achieve your goals. If you have specific questions, concerns (such as medical issues/limitations), needs, and wants, please reach out to us so that we can provide guidance for you in reaching your goals and conquering your mountain in life.

Another aspect of physical resiliency is ensuring that your body is in a safe space. In our blog section, I talk about eating disorders. Below you will find information on housing resources, women’s health, limited financial assistance and more. Taking care and control of your physical well-being is the stabilizing pillar to connect all the others.

Helping you on your path

Resources for your physical health to stabilize your resiliency pillar.

Start your journey

Resources to help you on your journey.


However it is, the way you live your life can make all the difference.


Climbing Kilimanjaro

Jon and Sheady Kyle climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro in Moshi Africa as a physical representation of the life mountains we have to conquer ever day. This climb was our first of the seven summits. It was physically, mentally and emotionally challenging.

We want to share our journey and our photos with you to remind you that you can do anything you set your mind to.

We did not receive any funds to complete this climb. We saved up our own money, flew to Africa and paired with a company called Peak Planet to complete our mission. They took great care of us by providing food and ensuring we had the proper gear. For anyone that is a first time climber, we recommend this company. The route we took was the Machame Route. We climbed to the Peak of Mt. Kilimanjaro and then retreated down. Neither Jon nor Sheady are expert climbers. We have indoor rock climbed one time (on our first date) and we do numerous Spartan races but climbing a mountain was a new feat! We were pushed to our limits physically, mentally and emotionally. We hiked in the middle of the night, over rough terrain, there were no showers, we were paired with strangers in a foreign country where we spoke very little of the language. No cigarettes, no energy drinks, no cell reception to call home. All of the comforts of home were removed. We slept in tents in freezing cold temperatures, we ate unique foods, learned some cool words and every step was Pole Pole (slow).

This climb was in honor and memory of Operation Jacks Village, which you can find on our Blessings and Sponsors page. The money we raised will go directly to support that non-profit organization in educating and reducing adolescent school bullying and improving adolescent mental health. Thank you to everyone that contributed to Jack and his cause.

Please reach out to us if you would like more information about any of the companies we mentioned, if you would like assistance in completing your climb, advice, packing lists, motivation or if you just want to congratulate us on our first of many climbs!

Avery Grimes

Coach Avery Grimes is a Strength & Conditioning Specialist at Impact Zone Training Center in West Lafayette, Indiana. He is a former wrestler and wrestling coach. He has been trained under Coach Carlos Soto who is a Certified Olympic Strength & Conditioning Coach since he was 17.

Coach Avery is now training and competing in Powerlifting competitions. He is an Indiana State Champion Power Lifter and holds 3 state powerlifting records. He has also competed in CrossFit competitions as well. He is not only helping athletes achieve their goals, but he still has some of his own that he is striving towards in competition.

Coach Avery makes it a goal everyday to be a positive influence on people while helping them improve their fitness levels and reach their goals in fitness and nutrition.

He is also continuing to further his education with certifications and courses through programs such as Poliquin Group, Strength Sensei and various others.

Indiana State Powerlifting Record Holder: Squat, Deadlift, Total