Additional Services

Sometimes we face challenges that do not neatly fit into our 4 pillars of resiliency.

Here are jut a few of the other services we provide.

  • Build It

    Are you looking for a new career? Stuck with an old outdated resume? Need assistance with finding a Federal Job? We provide expert guidance with one on one resume building to assist you in being prepared when applying.

  • Promote It

    Do you run a non-profit? Do you own a small business? You are welcome to subscribe to a members only page where you can promote your cause, business enterprise, receive expert guidance and learn to create a website here.

  • Write It

    It all begins with an idea. Maybe you wrote a novel, maybe you have a creative project you want t share with the world. We can help you navigate your story and become a published author.

  • Support It

    Do you have a passion for doing more? We can assist in navigating the process of becoming a non profit organization, setting up a website and platforms.

  • Lead It

    New to a leadership or management position? Aspiring to become a leader in the future? Are you currently going through a dilemma that you need expert guidance for? We provide one on one business coaching and gap analysis to assist in getting you to the next level.